For All The Big Feelers of the World
Female-Identified or Non-Binary Folks of All Ages: In all phases of life
Does this sound familiar?
You are not alone


Young Adults

You want a safe place to discuss what is going on in your head
You spend so much energy on trying to feel "normal"
You wonder if you are "too much" for the people in your life
You just want to figure out all these feels!
You are a creative person who feels things deeply
You want to learn about who you are and keep becoming the best version of yourself
The world feels tougher than you thought it would at this point
You are ready to deal with all that stuff that was hard from childhood
Just thinking it out doesn't work to overcome your triggers
You have been hating the way your anxiety and depression have impacted your life recently
You just want help to better understand what is going on inside of you, so I can feel more of yourself again
You want to break the emotional roller coaster that your brain has been on since childhood
Online Therapy
To learn more click here
Therapy online can really work! Whatever the reason for seeking help, if meeting via HIPPA compliant video sounds like something you want to try, then please reach out and we can discuss how to make this happen!

Do I take insurance?
no, I do not accept insurance but I do provide a Superbill which is a document that you turn into your insurance provider for sessions to go towards your out-of-network benefits
Just how much does this cost?
I charge $185 a session. I do offer Scholarship slots which are available as needed and when there is an opening.
Good Faith Estimate (GFE)
As of January 1, 2022, all healthcare providers are required to provide estimates for the cost of their care. The Good Faith Estimate shows the cost of items and services that are reasonably expected for your mental health needs. This will be provided upon scheduling and/or as requested. This Good Faith Estimate does not include unexpected costs that may arise during our work together.
How does my child meet during the day?
With a bit of help from your child's school, we can meet via video from a confidential room the school provides. Headphones are good for this. We can also meet in person during a lunch period, study hall, before school, early release or other open period. If help is needed, you will find a way to make it work.
I am a trained EMDR therapist as well as practice trauma informed art therapy. I believe in facing our traumas so they no longer have power over us today.
What is trauma? For some people it’s a big event: a car accident, the loss of a loved one, for others it looks like the little every day moments that don’t get talked about, that you’re figuring out now aren’t normal. It’s something that’s preventing you from moving forward, happy, healthy, and excited about your future.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, yes that is really the name. No wonder we shorten it to EMDR! This is an incredible brain based therapy that sounds crazy, but I promise ignites some pretty incredible healing.
Art Therapy is unique. It is a way of working when sometimes there are no words for what is happening. For example, our trauma is stored in the right side of our brain. This is also the side of the brain that holds our visual processing. Sometimes things can come out in the art that we just don't have words for.
Anxiety looks different for everyone but there are key parts of it that may feel like it’s taking over your day. It may seem like you can’t focus at work or school, that you feel like you’re spending more time trying to feel and act normal so other people don’t notice that you’re just not present because the worry has taken over.
It’s not always sweatpants and Netflix, it’s feeling foggy and not engaged. You’re not excited and you feel numb. You do the things you’re expected to do, but you’re not taking care of yourself, your sleep schedule is off, you’re in a funk that feels like it doesn’t end.
Community art is my passion. Coming together to create a commonality of art can be so powerful. I believe this is espeically true for teens who are developmentally focused on peer relationships. Growing a healthy community is key.
I hold individual sessions for all ages as well as specific groups. I hold parent groups on various topics. I hold teen groups based on current needs. Topics include: healthy relationships, trauma, anger and much more.
Healthy relationships start young. We teach our children, we learn from the adults around us. I am especially passionate about teen dating relationships and building healthy relationships from the beginning.